Alternative to OpenTable

Explore alternatives to OpenTable in 2025, compare features and prices. Find the best option to reduce costs and improve your restaurant.

Features comparison
TablesitTablesit provides a modern, efficient, and simpler but powerful, restaurant management experience for their staff and owners.
OpenTableOpenTable is a cloud-based restaurant management platform that enables restaurant managers and large chains to manage their entire business.
Fixed price
Price starts from
Key features
Commission-free covers
Included in TablesitNot included in OpenTable
Online payments (paid or free)
Included in TablesitIncluded in OpenTable
Manage online reviews
Included in TablesitNot included in OpenTable
Mobile/tablet/laptop app
Included in TablesitIncluded in OpenTable
No hidden fees or extra costs
Included in TablesitNot included in OpenTable
Reservation management
Included in TablesitIncluded in OpenTable
Customizable floor plan
Included in TablesitIncluded in OpenTable
Table management
Included in TablesitIncluded in OpenTable
Waitlist management
Included in TablesitIncluded in OpenTable
Booking page
Included in TablesitIncluded in OpenTable
Booking widget
Included in TablesitIncluded in OpenTable
Other features
Email, SMS notifications
Included in TablesitIncluded in OpenTable
Reservations reports
Included in TablesitIncluded in OpenTable
Guest management
Included in TablesitIncluded in OpenTable
Digital menu
Included in TablesitIncluded in OpenTable
Loyalty program
Not included in TablesitIncluded in OpenTable
Discount offers
Not included in TablesitIncluded in OpenTable
POS integration
Not included in TablesitIncluded in OpenTable
Marketing and analytics
Included in TablesitIncluded in OpenTable
Automated guest feedback
Included in TablesitIncluded in OpenTable
Online ordering
Not included in TablesitIncluded in OpenTable
Discounts & yield management
Included in TablesitIncluded in OpenTable
Import your data
Included in TablesitNot included in OpenTable
Fast onboarding
Included in TablesitNot included in OpenTable
24/7 online support
Included in TablesitIncluded in OpenTable
Help guide resources
Included in TablesitIncluded in OpenTable
1:1 onboarding tour
Included in TablesitIncluded in OpenTable